
*denotes former student

Journal Papers

  1. Hsien-kai Hsiao*, K. A. Winick,John Monnier and Jean-Philippe Berger, “An Infrared Integrated Optic Astronomical Beam Combiner for Stellar Interferometry at 3-4 um,”Optics Express, vol. 17, pp. 18489-18500, 2009.
  2. Guangyu Li*, K. A. Winick,Ali A. Said Mark Dugan and Philippe Bado, “Quasi-phase matched second-harmonic generation through poling in femtosecond laser-written waveguides,” Optics Express, vol. 17, pp. 9442-9453, 2009.
  3. Hsien-kai Hsiao* and K. A. Winick, “Planar Glass Ring Resonators with Gain,” Optics Express, vol. 15, pp. 17783-17797, 2007.
  4. Guangyu Li*, Kim A. Winick, Henry C. Griffin and Joseph S. Hayden, “Systematic Modeling Study of Channel Waveguide Fabrication by Thermal Silver Ion Exchange”Applied Optics, vol. 45, pp. 1743-1755, 2006.
  5. G. Li* and K. A. Winick, A. A. Said, M. Dugan and P. Bado “Waveguide Electro-optic Modulator in Fused Silica,” Optics Letters, vol. 31, pp. 739-741, 2006.
  6. W. Vijacksungsithi* and K. A. Winick, “Performance of Joint Channel State Estimation and Decoding of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol. 53, pp. 612-622, 2005.
  7. J. Kim*, G. Li*, and K. A. Winick, “Design and Fabrication of Glass Waveguide Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer using Amorphous Silicon Overlay Distributed Bragg Reflector,”Applied Optics , pp. 671-677, vol. 43, Jan. 2004.
  8. P. Limpaphayom* and K. A. Winick, “Power and Bandwidth-Efficient Communications Using LDPC Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Communications , pp. 350-354, vol. 52, no. 3, Mar. 2004.
  9. C. Florea* and K. A. Winick, “Fabrication and Characterization of Photonic Devices Directly-Written in Glass Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses ,” Journal of Lightwave Technology , pp. 246-253, vol. 21, no.1, Jan. 2003.
  10. J. Kim*, K. A. Winick, C. Florea* and M. McCoy, “Design and Fabrication of Low-loss Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Overlay DBR for Glass Waveguide Devices,” Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, pp.1307-1315, vol. 8, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 2002.
  11. A. Kuditcher, M. P. Hehlen, C. M. Florea*, K. A. Winick, and S. C. Rand, “Intrinsic Bistability of Luminescence and Stimulated Emission in Yb- and Tm-Doped Glass,”Physical Review Letters , vol. 84, pp. 1898-1901, 2000.
  12. Y. Sikorski, A. A. Said, P. Bado, R. Maynard, C. Florea* and K. A. Winick, “Optical Waveguide Amplifier in Nd-doped Glass Written with Near-IR Femtosecond Laser Pulses,”Electronics Letters , vol. 36, pp. 226-227, 2000.
  13. K. A. Winick, “Longitudinal Mode Competition in Chirped Grating Distributed Feedback Lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics , vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1402-1411, Oct. 1999.
  14. C. Florea* and K. A. Winick, “Ytterbium-Doped Glass Waveguide Laser Fabricated by Ion Exchange,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology , vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 1593-1601, Sep. 1999.
  15. K. A. Winick and S.-H Yang*, “Upper Bounds on the Size of Error-Correcting Runlength-Limited Codes,” European Transactions on Telecommunications , vol. 7, pp. 273-284, 1996.
  16. C. J. Brooks*, G. L. Vossler* and K. A. Winick, “Integrated Optic Dispersion Compensator Using Chirped Gratings,” Optics Letter , vol. 20, pp. 368-370, 1995.
  17. C. J. Brooks*, G. L. Vossler* and K. A. Winick, “Phase Response Measurement Technique for Waveguide Grating Filters,” Applied Physics Letter s , vol. 66, pp. 2168-2170, 1995.
  18. G. L. Vossler*, C. J. Brooks* and K. A. Winick, “Planar Er:Yb Glass Ion Exchanged Waveguide Laser,” Electronics Letters , vol. 31, pp. 1162-1163, Jul. 1995.
  19. S.-H. Yang* and K. A. Winick, “Asymptotic Bounds on the Size of Error-Correcting Recording Codes,” IEE Proceedings of Communications , vol. 141, pp. 365-370, Dec. 1994.
  20. S. Lee* and K. A. Winick, “Very Noisy Channels, Reliability Functions, and Exponentially Optimum Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 647-661, May 1994.
  21. J. E. Roman* and K. A. Winick, “Photowritten Gratings in Ion-Exchanged Glass Waveguides,” Optics Letter s , vol. 18, pp. 808-810, May 1993.
  22. J. E.Roman* and K. A. Winick, “Waveguide Grating Filters for Dispersion Compensation and Pulse Compression,” IEEE Journal on Quantum Electronics , vol. 29, no.3, pp. 975-982, Mar. 1993.
  23. J. E. Roman* and K. A. Winick, “Neodymium-Doped Glass Channel Waveguide Laser Containing an Integrated Distributed Bragg Reflector,” Applied Physics Letter , vol. 61, pp. 2744-2746, Dec. 1992.
  24. J. Bernays*, G.M. Carter, and K. A. Winick, “Wideband Heterodyne Spatial Tracking for Optical Space Communications,” Optical Engineering , vol. 31:03, pp. 590-601, Mar. 1992.
  25. K. A. Winick, “Effective-Index Method and Coupled-Mode Theory for Almost-Periodic Waveguide Gratings: A Comparison,” Applied Optics , vol. 31, pp. 757-764, Feb. 1992.
  26. K. A. Winick, “Design of Grating-Assisted Waveguide Couplers with Weighted Coupling,”IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology. , vol. 9, pp. 1481-1492, Nov. 1991.
  27. K. A. Winick and J. E. Roman*, “Design of Corrugated Waveguide Filters by Fourier Transform Techniques,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics , vol. 26, pp. 1918-1929, Nov. 1990.
  28. K. A. Winick and D. vL. Marquis, “Stellar Scintillation Technique for Measurement of Tilt Anisoplanatism,” Journal of Optical Society of America A , vol. 5, pp. 1929-1936, Nov. 1988.
  29. K. A. Winick and P. Kumar, “Spatial Mode Matching Efficiencies for Heterodyned GaAlAs Semiconductor Lasers,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology , vol. 6, pp. 513-520, Apr. 1988.
  30. K. A. Winick, “Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds on the Performance of Charge Coupled Device Optical Position Estimators,” Journal of Optical Society of America A , vol. 3, pp. 1809-1815, Nov. 1986.
  31. K. A. Winick, “Atmospheric Turbulence-Induced Fades on Optical Heterodyne Communications Links,” Applied Optics , vol. 25, pp. 1817-1825, Jun. 1986.
  32. K. A. Winick and J. R. Fienup*, “Optimum Holographic Elements Recorded With Nonspherical Wave Fronts,” Journal of Optical Society of America , vol. 73, pp. 208-217, Feb. 1983.
  33. K. A. Winick, “Designing Efficient Aberration-Free Holographic Lenses in the Presence of a Construction-Reconstruction Wavelength Shift.”Journal of Optical Society of America , vol. 72, pp. 143-148, Jan. 1982.
  34. A. Tai and K. A. Winick, “Effects of the Emulsion Refractive Index on Achromatic Grating Interferometer Applications ,” Applied Optics , vol. 20, pp. 3478-3481, Oct. 1981.


  1. Hsien-kai Hsiao*, K. A. Winick and John D. Monnier, “A Mid-Infrared Integrated Optic Astronomical Beam Combiner for Stellar Interferometery,”Annual OSA Frontiers in Optics(FiO), San Jose, CA , Oct. 11-15, 2009.
  2. Hsien-kai Hsiao* and K. A. Winick, “Waveguide Ring Resonators with Gain at the Quantum Limit,” Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO), San Jose, CA , May 4-9, 2008.
  3. K. A. Winick, “A History of the Optics Group at the University of Michigan Willow Run Laboratory,” paper FtuH1, Session A Half Century of Holography, Optical Signal Processing, Diffractive Optics and Art: A Tribute to Emmett Leith, Annual OSA Frontiers in Optics Meeting, Rochester, NY, October 8-12, 2006
  4. Gaungyu Li, K. A. Winick, Ali Said, Mark Dugan and Phillipe Bado, “Nonlinear Optical Waveguide Devices Based on Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing and Thermal Poling in Fused Silica,” postdeadline paper PDP-B7, OSA Frontiers in Optics Annual Meeting,Tucson, Arizona, Octoboer 16-20, 2005
  5. G. Li* , K. A. Winick and J. S. Hayden, “A Comprehensive Modeling Study of Ag+ Ion Excahnge for Channel Waveguide Fabrication,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO), paper CWF5, vol. 2, pp. 1327-1329. Baltimore, Maryland, May 22-27, 2005
  6. G. Li* and K. A. Winick, “Integrated Optics Ring Resonator Fabricated by Silver Ion-Exchange in Glass,” paper CWA63, Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO), San Francisco , May 16-21, 2004.
  7. K. A. Winick, C. Florea* , A. A. Said, M, Dugan and Ph. Bado, “Fabrication and Characterization of Photonic Devices Written in Glass With Femtosecond Lasers,” invitedpaper CtuF6, Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO), San Francisco , May 16-21, 2004.
  8. G. Li* , K. A. Winick, B. Youmans, and E. A. J. Vikjaer, “Design, Fabrication and Characterization of an Integrated Optic Passive Resonator for Optical Gyroscopes,” Session A3, Institute of Navigation Annual Meeting, Dayton, OH, June 7-9, 2004
  9. J. Kim*, K. A. Winick, C. Florea* and M. McCoy, “Design and Fabrication of Low-loss Hydrogenated Amorphous Si Overlay DBR for Glass Waveguide Devices,” SPIE Photonics West , paper 4990-32, San Jose, CA, 25-31 Jan. 2003.
  10. J. Kim* , K. A. Winick and C. Florea*, “Passive and Active Glass Waveguide Devices Utilizing Silicon Overlay Grating,” Integrated Photonics Research OSA Topical Meeting, Vancouver , CA., July 17-19, 2002.
  11. K. A. Winick, C. Florea* and A. A. Said, “Fabrication of Photonic Devices in Glass Using Femtosecond Pulses,” paper ThAA1 (invited) , Annual Optical society of America Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 14-18, 2001.
  12. Y. Sikorski, A. Said, M. Dugan, R. Maynard, P. Bado, C. Florea* and K. A. Winick, “Using Femtosecond Lasers to Micromachine Integrated Optical Devices,” International Conference on Industrial Appliedications of Lasers (ICALEO 2000), Dearborn, MI, Oct. 2-5 2000.
  13. C. Florea* , K. A. Winick, Y. Sikorski, A. Said, and P. Bado, “Optical Waveguide Amplifier in Nd-Doped Glass Written with Near-IR Femtosecond Laser Pulses,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2000), paper # CMX5, San Francisco, May 2000.
  14. K. A. Winick, “Longitudinal Mode Competition in Chirped Grating DFB Lasers,” 1999Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America , paper # WJ5, Santa Clara, Ca. Sept. 26-Sept. 30, 1999.
  15. C. Florea* and K. A. Winick, “Ytterbium-Doped Glass Waveguide Laser,” 1999 Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America , paper # WJ8, Santa Clara CA., Sept. 26-Sept. 30, 1999.
  16. A. Kuditcher, M. P. Hehlen, C. M. Florea*, K. A. Winick, and S.C. Rand, “Intrinsic Multistability of Yb and Tm Luminescence and Stimulated Emission in Oxide Glass,” paper # QThG18 , Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO’99), Baltimore, MD., May 23-29, 1999.
  17. K. A. Winick, “Rare Earth-Doped Waveguide Lasers in Glass and LiNbO 3 : A Review(invited) , in SPIE Proceedings, vol. 3280, pp. 88-104, Rare Earth-Doped Devices II , paper #3280-13, SPIE Photonics West , San Jose, CA., Jan. 24-30, 1998.
  18. K. A. Winick, “Erbium:Ytterbium Planar Waveguide Laser in Ion-Exchanged Glass,” in SPIE Proceedings, vol. 2996, pp. 121-134, Rare Earth-Doped Devices , 121-134, SPIE Photonics West , San Jose, CA., Feb. 10-11, 1997.
  19. G. L. Vossler*, C. J. Brooks* and K. A. Winick, “Chromium Indiffused LiNbO3 Waveguide Amplifier,” paper CFJ5, Conference on Lasers and Electro- Optics (CLEO95), Anaheim, CA., Jun. 2-7, 1995.
  20. S-H. Yang* and K. A. Winick, “Constrained Write-Once Memory or Efficient Ways of Using Pens and Paper,” International Conference on Communications , Hsinchu , Taiwan , Dec. 7-10, 1993.
  21. K. A. Winick, “Rare Earth-Doped Waveguide Lasers,” Annual Meeting Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS 93) San Jose , CA , Nov. 15-19, 1993 (Invited) .
  22. K. A. Winick and J. Roman* , “Photowritten Gratings in Ion Exchanged Glass Waveguides,” Annual Optical Society of America Meeting , Toronto , Canada , Oct. 3-8, 1993.
  23. K. A. Winick and S-H. Yang* , “Asymptotic Bounds on the Rates of Runlength-Limited Codes,” International Symposium on Information Theory , San Antonio , TX , January 17-22, 1993.
  24. K. A. Winick, “Glass Integrated Optics: Active and Passive Devices,” Optics and Quantum Electronics Seminar Series, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, Oct.14, 1993 (Invited) .
  25. S. Lee* and K. A. Winick, “Error Exponents and Exponentially Optimum Codes for a Class of Very Noisy Channels,” Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton , NJ , Mar. 18-20, 1992.
  26. K. A. Winick and J. Roman* , “Neodymium-Doped Glass Channel Waveguide Laser Containing an Integrated Distributed Bragg Reflector ,” Annual Optical Society of America Meeting , post-deadline paper , Albuquerque , NM , Sep. 20-25, 1992.
  27. J. E. Roman* and K. A. Winick, “Neodymium-Doped Ion-Exchanged Waveguide Laser in Germanium Rich Soda-Lime Silicate Glass ,” Annual Optical Society of America Meeting , Albuquerque , NM , Sep. 20-25, 1992.
  28. K. A. Winick and J. Roman* , “Dispersion Compensation and Pulse Compression Using Waveguide Grating Filters,” Annual Optical Society of America Meeting , San Jose , CA , Nov. 3-8, 1991.
  29. K. A. Winick, “Design of Codirectionally-Coupled Waveguide Filters Using the GLM Technique,” Annual Optical Society of America Meeting , Boston , MA., Nov. 4-9, 1990.
  30. K. A. Winick and J. Roman* , “Design of Corrugated Waveguide Filters by Fourier Transform Techniques,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Anaheim (CLEO 90), CA, May 12-17, 1990.
  31. K. A. Winick and D. vL. Marquis, “Stellar Scintillation Technique for the Measurement of Tilt Anisoplanatism ,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Anaheim (CLEO 88) , CA, April 25-29, 1988.
  32. K. A. Winick and P. Kumar, “Spatial Mode Matching Efficiencies for Heterodyned GaAlAs Semiconductor Lasers ,” Optical Society of America Annual Meeting , Rochester , NY , Oct. 18-23, 1987.
  33. K. A. Winick, “Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds on the Performance of CCD Optical Position Estimators,” Optical Society of America Annual Meeting , Seattle , WA , Oct. 19-24, 1986.
  34. K. A. Winick, “Atmospheric Turbulence-Induced Fades on Optical Heterodyne Communication Links,” Global Telecommunications Conference , Atlanta , GA. Nov. 26-29, 1984.
  35. K. A. Winick and J. R. Fienup, “Optimum Holographic Elements Recorded with Nonspherical Wave Fronts,” Optical Society of America Annual Meeting , Tucson , AZ , Oct. 18-22, 1982.
  36. B . J. Chang and K. A. Winick, “Holographical Optical Elements (HOEs),” Proceedings of SPIE , vol. 299, 157-162, 1981.
  37. K. A. Winick, “Holographically Produced Interference Filters,” Optical Society of America Annual Meeting , Chicago , Oct. 14-17, 1980.
  38. B. J. Chang and K. A. Winick, “Silver-Halide Gelatin Holograms ,” Proceedings of SPIE (in Recent Advances in Holography, vol. 215), Los Angeles , CA , Feb. 4-7, 1980

*denotes former student
